Parlez-nous de lui. Bibendum vu par… – Michelin


51 celebrities, writers, designers, manufacturers, sportsmen and artists tell us what the Michelin Man means to them. He is 100 years old. None of the writers or artists here actually witnessed his birth, and yet they feel they have always known him. Humour, affection and recollection are sprinkled throughout this astonishing anthology, in which memories and confessions interact with fantasies. It is so much more than the glorification of an icon. While Michel Tournier thinks that the Michelin Man would make a good head of state, Claude Sarraute imagines him as the ideal husband! For Robert Sabatier, the Michelin Man is real, and he has met him! While Agnès B admits that the Michelin Man was one of her first guilty loves, Sonia Rykiel is happy to dress him in tailor-made clothes! Louis Schweitzer asks THE question: what if the Michelin Man was a woman? And Nicolas Gilbert reveals the secret of the Michelin Man’s terrifying neurosis: a nail!

Publisher : Les Editions Textuel (4 novembre 1998)
Language : French
142 pages
Format : 22.6 x 24.6 cm

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